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My Biggest Realizations of 2022

Here I am, with a post meant for the new year.

2022 has been a challenging year which made me evolve into the best version of myself. The start was not good enough yet when I look back at the journey I feel proud of myself. Struggles push you into pain only to make you stronger from the inside. I Heartfully wanna thank all those tough situations for carving me into the person I am today. Here are my biggest realizations of 2022, have a look!

1. Once you know your worth, you make better choices in life. You will decide what to allow and what not to allow in your energy field.
2. Even if you are unprepared; on the arrival of the right time, the universe will push you towards what you are meant to achieve i.e towards your true purpose in life.
3. Your self-confidence should always be very higher than your fears for you to move ahead in your life.
4. If you fear something, that only means you lack knowledge in that particular field. Gain the required knowledge and blow those fears away.
5. Richness has nothing to do with the bank balance you have, it’s all about the mindset you have built.
6. If something is meant for you it won’t resist coming back to you.
7. Self-love is such a wonder which allows you to evolve into the most powerful and independent version of yourself.
8. Knowing ‘what is not love’ is not enough to understand ‘what love is’.
9. The most profitable investment that you can ever make is to invest in yourself, your mind, your body and your soul.
10. Single-tasking is highly productive than Multitasking.
11. If you feel much stressed, it’s time to realise that maybe what you are doing is right, but how you are doing it is wrong. Change your way to change your results.
12. Personal and professional lives are not meant to be balanced, they need to be counterbalanced.

With all these lessons learnt I am excited about my journey in 2023.

Wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

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