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Dew vs Diamond

The light dispersed from a candle spreads over a bench bringing a brilliantly cut diamond ring with incredible shine and some soft pink rose petals into the scene.

“Hey hi! You are extremely beautiful.” Says a petal to the diamond.

“Beauty is the asset that you flowers own. Isn’t it?” Diamond replies.

“But the people with many assets would like to own you. You are not just beautiful, you are precious.”

“Precious!! Do you know what? The dew that you are carrying over you is far more precious than me.”

“Dew? —the rose petal laughs and asks— how?”

The diamond smiles and questions back looking at the candle.

“I consider my shadow as my best friend ever. What do you say?”

“You are absolutely wrong. Shadow is the best friend of light, not you. It stays till there exists light.” 

“Hmm, you are right! Then, tell me who can be my best friend ever? Not just to me, to everyone else in the world?”

“How is that possible for someone to be a friend to everybody in the world?”

“Hey, aren’t you aware of the concept of the universal best friend?”

“No, I don’t. Who is that?”

“A friend, who supports you, guides you, who can understand you better than yourself, whose presence can make you stronger from inside, who can give you a push to fight with the battles of your life, motivates you, who stands by your side on both happiest and toughest days of your life and belongs to you, only you.” Diamond explains.

“Are you testing my patience? How can a universal friend belong to me, only me? Tell me, who is that?” Asks the curious petal.

“If so, listen to my story —Diamond starts narrating its story to the petal— She accepted me (diamond ring) from her beloved on her wedding; the most wonderful day of her life. On that day her tears couldn’t resist themselves from rolling down to me from her cheeks. I was overwhelmed when they touched me with a splash. I felt the joy of happiness in them.

Since that day I travelled with her in every moment of her life. She had become my everything. I didn’t even notice how four years had passed away.

But, on this morning a single phone call had turned her world upside down. She came to know that her husband was cheating on her. She broke down into a flood of tears in her eyes. She got into her car and drove to this church. She walked in with glow less face and sat on her knees at this bench.

‘My tears are not a sign of my weakness or helplessness. I want them to be a sign of my courage and my strength. I am ready to face the challenges of my life, no matter how tough they are going to be. Bless me, Jesus.’

She said and left me (her diamond ring) here; where she had me for the first time…

The dew that you are carrying over you is not the one from the sky, it is from her eye.

Now tell me who is precious? The diamond ring that she had left or those tears which never let her quit?” Diamond makes the petal understand its point.

“I understood that the universal best friend that you are talking about is none other than our own tears; dews that are far more precious than diamonds. We need to respect our pain. We need to value our tears. You are right.” The petal agrees with the diamond.

After a while, the petal asks its last question.

“By the way, what’s her name?”

“Ruby!” The diamond replies.


Image source: and Bepanah

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