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Emotions Are Immortal!

Accompanied by the calmness of water around I was greeted with a cool gust of air from an array of coconut trees. It was my wish since childhood to visit Kerala. Today, I was here in this little canoe boat.

“Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. This is Aditya.”

My pleasant mood made me touch the flowing river which seemed to emerge from the end of my sight. But this mood was suddenly got disturbed by a terrible sight of a fish caught by a fisherman nearby. The peace that I experienced till that second had vanished. It reminded me of a bad memory due to which I was left heart wrenched with my head down.

“Hey man! Are you alright?” A man sitting in front of me on the same boat asked me.

“Yes, I am good.” I said with a low voice.

“Seems you are too sensitive.” He said. I accepted with silence.

“Listen, being attached to such little things, getting emotional… all these are bull shit man!” He continued to speak. I ignored facing right.

“We shouldn’t let our heart dominate our mind. Let me make you understand the same with a simple example. See, when it comes to business which we run on our mind, seven means 7. 9 means nine. But when it comes to emotions that we deal with our hearts, there will be caring behind anger, pain behind smile, war of thoughts behind silence and so on. Doesn’t it seem so ambiguous? So, I suggest everyone to stay away from this confusion.” He conveyed his opinion.

“Seems you are perfectly a business-minded person.” I replied.

“Yaa! Of course!” He admitted.

“Do you recommend everyone to be heartless?”

“How could you or I live without a heart? If it is possible, I don’t think cardiologists will be having such a demand. What do you say?” He asked with a laugh.

“You mean the heart is just meant for pumping blood and nothing else?”

“Exactly. If we give more importance to the heart, it will spoil all other organs. Just like a love failure guy spoils his liver. It is profitable only for psychology clinics to run their business on depression and overthinking.”

“Hmmm… feeling light after listening to you Mr., Thank you!”


I understood that this person is strong in his viewpoints. I thought for a while and then,

“The thing is… my mind is asking me to dig a hole on this boat.” I said and started searching for a tool.

“Are you serious?” He questioned with surprise.

“Yes! I got it.” I said holding a sharp-ended tool down on its tip.

“Have you gone crazy? We will drown in water.” He started shouting.

“I know swimming. Don’t you?” I said and continued digging my hole.

“I don’t know swimming. I am serious. Stop it, man. Don’t you have humanity?” He shouted a bit louder this time. I stood up with a jerk.

“I couldn’t understand from where this humanity got into play. What connection does it have with your mind man?” I questioned. He was left speechless and I took my rule.

“If 7=7 and 9=9, even a kid can deal with it. But, to deal with emotions that are ambiguous, complicated and painful; we need a hero. And that’s our heart. Being sensitive is actually a strength. Do you know why? Only the most sensitive heart can experience even the least possible pain. And the pain that won’t kill you can only make you stronger.” I shared my viewpoint. But I understood that he didn’t get it.

“I ask you a simple question, just answer me. If I offer you a job in a company which is ready to collapse and another job in a company that is running successfully. What do you choose?” I tried a different approach to make him understand.

“Absolutely the company which is running successfully. It lasts for a long time right.” He said.

“That’s what my choice too. Which lasts forever and immortal. We all are temporary tenants on this earth just like this boat on this river. But emotions are immortal like these waters in this river. We do carry emotions for a short duration of time called our life span. But love, pain and other emotions have a permanent booking on this earth. Whether you are poor or rich, life remains incomplete without love. These emotions are the language of that love. The presence of dear ones and their love can bring people out of depression faster than psychology clinics.” I ended up aloud and got down from the boat on reaching my bank.

“Excuse me, Aditya.” I heard a familiar voice from the backside. It was none other than the same person, but how did he come to know my name?

“Congratulations! You have passed your first EQ Test (Emotional Intelligence test). This is Revanth from Intelligence Bureau.” He extended his hand toward me. The handshake from my side was not firm enough in that situation.

“In our background verification, we came to know that you lost your dad two years back when he went on fishing. We would like to know whether your past made you emotionally stronger or weaker.” He revealed his truth.

Yes, I was also carrying the same expression on my face as you, right now! Little surprise, little shock, little more fear in my guts. The reason behind my visit to Kerala was to attend training, here in an academy.

“Thank you, sir. And I am sorry if I was a bit rude—”

“You need to dig a lot more holes, Aditya! Meet you again for further rounds in the academy.” He said and left adjusting his blazer.


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