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As the name goes it’s all about the ONE THING in our life that matters the most which brings maximum results and high productivity into our lives.

At the beginning, the author addresses six LIES in all of our lives that we believe to be truths which pull us away from living our lives to the fullest and keep us at lower standards than what we deserve.

And then he makes us understand what high achievers choose to do to get extraordinary results. Ask a great question to get a great answer. That needs to be a possibility answer which exists beyond what is already known and being done.

Just working without any predefined outcome takes you no where. You should have a purpose in your life to work. Our purpose is our ultimate source of personal strength, strength of conviction, strength of perseverance. If you set a purpose but fail to prioritise your purpose then you remain powerless. Productivity and profit are driven by ‘purpose driven priority’.

This is not a book which gives you only theoritical knowledge, it demands the execution and implementation of whatever you learn from this book immediately in your day to day life.

With everything set up you start working on your one thing, but what about the thieves which steal away your productivity…
ha haa… don’t worry, the author addresses how to save yourself from the four main thieves of productivity.

In short, it asks you overlook the 6 lies and mind your ONE THING with 3 commitments and be ware of 4 thieves which steal away your productivity.

Finally, what I personally loved in this book is the concept of counterbalancing our personal and professional lives.

If you are aiming towards high productivity in your life, then this book is a must read for you.

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