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Worst nightmares can also appear with your eyes open


The Andheri area is overcrowded at 9.00 am yesterday because of the murder that took place in Vikas apartments. A group of thieves entered the apartment in order to abduct a 5-year-old boy at around 2am. His grandparents tried to save their grandson and were attacked and murdered by those thieves and their dead bodies were taken away. The little boy was frightened and lost his consciousness and fell down.

He woke up around 8am the next day and started crying. The neighbours noticed and called the police. The police arrived there within 30 minutes. They came to know about this incident from the statement given by bunny, that 5-year-old boy who witnessed the whole happening.

Those thieves are smart enough to leave no clues to prove their crime. The investigation went up to 1pm in and around the area. But suddenly there appeared Keshav’s family along with Bunny’s grandmother. Within two minutes they found Bunny’s grandfather coming from the opposite direction. The whole crowd disappeared within no time considering them as ghosts.

After detailed verification, the truth shocked everyone present over there. Bunny’s grandfather went on some motor repair work early in the morning. His grandmother was with Keshav’s (one of the neighbours) family since midnight to safeguard the only pregnant woman in his home. They all went to the hospital due to the occurrence of sudden labor pains around 4am in an ambulance.

The boy who didn’t find his grandparents beside him when he woke up, considered his dream as true and created the whole drama.

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